29 April 2016, Comments: 0


This week Airedale have been very busy indeed and have sent a lovely card to the queen. They have stuck lots of corgis, horses and a big glittery crown on it. Last week they had a big party for the queen’s 90th birthday with cakes and lemonade. In their card they told the queen all about their party and asked if she had enjoyed her birthday celebrations. Fingers crossed they get a reply!


They have also been learning The Story of the Little Red Hen. They are going to learn to learn a rap for it next week!


In numeracy they have been adding numbers together using the ‘counting on’ technique, which will hopefully make them quicker at adding. They have learnt to put the biggest number in their head and then count on from that instead of counting from zero and upwards.


In science they have been learning about the different parts of a plant. They have made a beautiful diagram of a flower with labels for the petals, stem, leaf and roots. Their diagrams look very pretty!


They now also have a finger gym in the classroom! They are using it to help them have nimble fingers. This week they had to sort lots of little beads into different colours (without dropping them!)


It was also Mrs Heard’s birthday on Thursday. Happy Birthday Mrs Heard!

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