10 May 2020, Comments: 0


RTS Home Learning Year 1 Week beginning

Class – Airedale

Tell me, I will forget.

Show me, I may not remember.

Involve me and I will understand.

Walk out to meet me, and we will learn together.







New learning – The tens and ones structure of 2-digit numbers can be used to support addition calculations.

Consolidate – 2-digit numbers can be partitioned into tens and one

  1. Place value tens and ones activityseesaw    

2. Egg tens and ones – seesaw

3. Using tens and ones for addition – seesaw

4. Missing numbers tens and ones addition – seesaw

“Unconscious Discipline”: Family Math Hammer Game – seesaw



Story of the week – Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson



New learning – Plan and write a story

Consolidate – Present continuous tense __ing eg. walking, jumping, playing, riding

1. Adding ___ing to verbs seesaw

2. Story board seesaw

3. Write the beginning of your story. Who, where, when – seesaw

4. Write the middle of your story. Problem and Action – seesaw

FRIDAY FUN – Write the end of your story and illustrate it.


https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/ks1-carnivores-herbivores-and-omnivores-powerpoint-t-sc-2549595 – This Powerpoint introduces carnivores, herbivores and omnivores

https://www.twinkl.co.uk/go/resource/tgv2-sc-19-quick-facts-herbivores-omnivores-and-carnivores-video – This short video reinforces the concepts of carnivore, omnivore and herbivore


https://content.twinkl.co.uk/resource/1f/fa/t-sc-054-omnivore-carnivore-or-herbivore-venn-diagram-sorting-activity-sheet-_ver_2.pdf?__token__=exp=1589105417~acl=%2Fresource%2F1f%2Ffa%2Ft-sc-054-omnivore-carnivore-or-herbivore-venn-diagram-sorting-activity-sheet-_ver_2.pdf%2A~hmac=9a90a7ac34c55843f207b9c4b1e4e14f9ec75f444a57d10dc136acc4ce784fb7 – These sheets introduce the concept of a Venn Diagram for sorting carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. You can draw your own rather than printing.


Think of three words to describe the way you like other people to be with you. Find three stones or marbles and drop them into a bowl of water one at a time. As you drop each one think about one of the words. Watch the ripples spread out from the pebble and think about how feel when someone treats you that way. You might also think about where that feeling is in your body. Is it one place or all over? Is it a small feeling or a large feeling? Is it a warm or cold feeling? Have you got any other words to describe your feelings?


Remember your three words this week and find ways to treat other people the same way. You could make a poster to remind yourself of your three important words.



In the Tyrannosaurus Drip story, the T Rex’s thought their reflections in the river were monsters. The river was not flat or smooth like a mirror. It changed the way they looked. In this investigation you will make a curved mirror and explore what changes you see in the things you hold up to reflect in it.


REFLECTION INVESTIGATION – Make a curved mirror by wrapping some silver foil around a cylinder. Be careful to not to keep the foil smooth. Put your mirror on a piece of white paper and place an object or picture on or above the paper. Explore and notice the shape of the reflection. What changes do you see? Draw the new shape.



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