26 March 2020, Comments: 0

First let me begin by saying how pleased I have been with the engagement on SeeSaw this past week. You have all took to e-learning so wonderfully! We have 28/30 parents who have set up their SeeSaw accounts, with most of those 28 already completing many of the tasks I have set. Please check with your parent friends that they have accessed their SeeSaw accounts and encourage them to get in touch if they are having trouble.

Our learning this week has been all about Spring! You have been on the look out for signs of Spring, drawing and labelling pictures of Spring and making Spring art and crafts. In phonics you have been recapping your phase 3 tricky words and some of your phase 3 sounds: y, v, w, x, z, zz, qu, j. You have also worked on the formation of your curly caterpillar letters. In maths you have been busy ordering numbers to 20.

I hope you’re all continuing to read your books at home. If you’re looking for more reading books of the appropriate level may I draw your attention again to Oxford Owl. I also want to draw your attention to Collins Connect Big Cat ebooks
Most of the children are on red band books – stage 2. Some of your children may be on pink – stage 1 or yellow – stage 3. Check the back of your home reading books if you’re unsure, but feel free to look at any of the books you’d like to.

Oxford Owl:

Follow instructions found here to login: https://collins.co.uk/pages/big-cat-ebooks

Here’s a couple of Spring pictures from some Bishopdale children completed over SeeSaw this week to brighten your day.

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