24 June 2016, Comments: 0

Coverdale Blog


On Monday morning, we had quite a normal morning. Everyone was really excited for the afternoon. Monday afternoon was Sports Day. Every person had an amazing experience. There was a tie for the bronze winners. The gold winners were called out, and a different team to what was called out came up! The called-out team came to complain, and just while the called-out team were being given their medals and certificates, it was realised that the first team that had come out were the right ones! Well done to everybody.


In the morning, we had teachers from different schools come to watch us do Maths about quadrilaterals. In the afternoon we had an archaeological scientist visiting (Andrew Jones, but his nickname is Bone. Terry, who was in the Cosmo dome, was also there), and you will never guess what we were studying, Vikings Poo! We all had a sample, mostly from dogs. We looked at them under a microscope, which was connected to the computer so everyone could see. We also had to fill in a card about our sample. After that, we went outside the classroom to look through a larger microscope at a grain of bran.


In the morning, we shared our Learning Logs about Anglo Saxon Kings. Mrs Fleming did KIRFS, which everybody was glad about since she hadn’t done them for a while due to school trips, and one or two people moved planets! In the afternoon, we did basketball for PE, which we had never done before. Mrs Fleming started a gallery in the classroom window, consisting of photos from lots of different exciting events. Please come and see them.


In the morning, we did some maths work on angles and then we did Big Maths. Several people have moved on to Level 5. We also did a SPAG test. After lunch, we had football with Mr Whorley.


On Friday we had a French morning. We played a board game which included French activities, tasted some French foods and were given some pieces of paper which had bands or singers in French for the first round. For the second round we had movies in French and we used French dictionaries to work them out. In the afternoon Year 5 marked Mental Maths. Another busy week.

By Phoebe.

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