8 April 2016, Comments: 0

HT Blog Monday 11th April 2016.

I hope that everyone had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed their Easter eggs.

Welcome back to what is always a busy and enjoyable term. Please remember that Monday 11th is a staff training day on which the staff will be completing training on dyslexia, using i-pads and maths mastery.

Tuesday 12th of April is the date of the friends meeting starting at 7pm in school, if you can come along to support the work of the friends please do. This term the friends have particularly exciting news as they will be entering a team in the Knaresborough bed race for the very first time in the school’s history.

Also on Tuesday night the Rev Andrew Patrick will be licenced at St Luke’s Church and will join the clergy team, we really look forward to welcoming Andrew into school this term.

On Wednesday our footballers from year 1 and 2 will be taking part in the Infants football tournament at St Aidan’s during the afternoon.

Finally on Friday the rearranged ‘Bikeability’ session for children in year 6 will take place.

Looking ahead to next week we look forward to receiving our space seeds ready for planting.

The photograph below is the winners of the yellow jersey from the last week of last term and the children from Bishopdale who decorated our Easter Cross with blossom.

A Symonds

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