13 May 2016, Comments: 0

By Oliver

Hello fellow readers, welcome to Wharfedale`s blog. This week we have been doing test papers. The year sixes are doing their SATS every day until Thursday when they do their last test. Except that doesn`t mean year fives relax. We start to prepare for the oncoming SATS next year.


On Monday, we did a reading assessment. Some people said the test was easy while others thought it was difficult. Before our test however we were told what was going to happen when we began. The year sixes had to go in Wensleydale’s classroom and do the test where everything was covered up so they did not cheat, while some went into the library to do their tests. The Year 5 reading test was about wolves and the title was Wolf Pack. In this reading booklet there were different stories. There was a legend about Rome and a page on how wolves express feelings. Another one was about the Jungle Book film and another one about the Jungle Book book. When the test was over we got to play some games, but when the test was being collected we did not speak. In the afternoon we did P.E. In this P.E lesson we joined Wensleydale and practised for Quad Kids sporting event.


On Tuesday, we did the SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) test. Yet again some people found it easy while others found it difficult. We only had 45 minutes to complete the SPAG paper. Then after break we had a spelling test. The teacher read the word three times each.

After the last test on Thursday we will all go outside and ‘blow away the tests’ with bubbles.

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