15 April 2016, Comments: 0

It has been a long two weeks but we are back now. Even though this week only has four days, we are still jamming a lot of learning into it. SATS are getting nearer and nearer so we have to try and work our hardest.


This week in maths we have been doing pie charts. We have learned that when doing pie charts it is important that we look at the amount of people or children asked. We have looked at past SATS papers to prepare the year 6s and to also have harder questions.


In Literacy we are looking at the real advert that Ernest Shackelton put in the paper to get men to apply for The Endurance. The advert, that Ernest wrote, had lots of negative things in like safe return doubtful and months in darkness. We are going to write our own advert which will be more positive and more persuasive.


In French we have been doing about sports and hobbies. We have learned lots of different sports in French and how to say “Do you do any sport?”


Before the Easter holidays, the year 6s had ordered their Leavers’ hoodies. These have now been delivered! Some have different colours and there is a lot of sky blue, but everyone has their name on their back. Also all of the year 6s names have been arranged into the number 16. We are year 5s so we don’t know what they feel like but they look very warm and comfortable.


We have worked in pairs for R.E. First we picked a villain and wrote down all the bad things they do and why. Then we wrote 10 rules of naughtiness. Next week we are going to be looking at words that hurt people.

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