29 April 2016, Comments: 0

As it is nearly SATS we are revising very very hard, but that doesn’t stop us from enjoying school.


In maths we did some sample booklets. One was a year 5 paper and the other was the year 6 paper. There was one question that caught a lot of people out! It was a question where there were missing numbers from a calculation that used the compact method of multiplication, so today we did a bit of work on the compact method and missing numbers.


In literacy we have done a SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) paper which had 50 questions on it. We struggled on a few but that means that Mrs Simpson and Mrs Harrison can teach us the stuff we didn’t get right!


In P.E we did orienteering and people have been chosen to go to a competition at Rosset School next Tuesday. We’re looking forward to that!

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