16 November 2017, Comments: 0


This Monday we have done Literacy and maths and then in the afternoon we had a very different PE lesson. We joined live with the BBC for a ten pieces of music lesson. This was an invite to dance to classical music. Coverdale danced to the Nutcracker. Luckily, Barnes entered a question which was answered live.

On Tuesday we all loved doing our Literacy and writing a description of Kensuke’s cave. In maths we learnt a new way of doing multiplication using the extended column method and compact method. In the afternoon we had French with Mrs Atkinson.

Wednesday, we have done our red pen work in our curriculum books, for describing Kensuke’s cave. Also, we read another exciting chapter of it. In maths we are doing three digit numbers times by a one-digit number, choosing which method to use. In the afternoon we thought about which items we would need to have to survive on an island and rank them 1-9. This was followed by music.

This Thursday we had Mrs Atkinson in the morning. We did multiplication, two by two digits. In literacy we did non-chronological text. In the afternoon we had Mr Symonds and we made new advent calendars for the hall. The year 5’s went to Wensleydale and Wharfedale to talk about the school Christmas Fair.

Tomorrow, we will do literacy, maths and topic.

By Lucy and William

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