27 January 2020, Comments: 0

20.1.20 Monday

On Monday, it was a normal day English, maths and ICT. In ICT we had to do a power point about our solar system.


21.01.20 Tuesday

We did maths and English, in maths we are learning fractions. In the afternoon we had science and we are looking at materials that protect the satellites.

22.01.20 Wednesday

We had English and maths again and in maths we did fractions. We started the badges for our space camp.

23.01.20 Thursday

We had Mrs Lovell in class and it’s Thursday so we did P.E we did benchball mixed with dodgeball it was really fun everyone enjoyed it!

24.01.20 Friday

Space camp Sam came into school and made planets with us. We had Pringle tubes and a piece of paper. Then we each had a planet to draw on the paper then we wrapped it round the Pringle tube to make our planet. We finished our badges. And had a little playtime.

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