9 October 2017, Comments: 0

2nd October 2017

The wind and rain woke us up Monday morning so sadly we had to postpone our Biodiversity visit to Bilton Fields. We are looking

forward to learn more about our local environment soon.

On Monday we were talking and learning about people who have achieved amazing things despite challenges in their lives. They illustrate

our value of determination and reminded us what we can achieve if we believe in ourselves.

On Tuesday we enjoyed showing off our maths skills to 15 teachers from other schools. They said they were impressed by the way

we talk about our ideas using proper mathematical words. We were able to explain lots of different ways to add numbers.

On Wednesday we enjoyed a production of The Wizard of Oz show and were humming the songs in our head all day! We also finished

planning our Harvest contribution. Learning about food miles is very important so people know how to look after our world, so it can be

shared for many years to come. We remembered St.Francis today, as it was his special day. He is the saint of the environment and helps us

to appreciate all God’s creations.

Harvest is always a highlight of the year. The parents clearly enjoyed it, especially our choice of special songs. The hall looked beautiful

with all the Harvest contributions. We remembered how important it is to look after God’s world. We think the parents all enjoyed

our song and special message.

What a busy week! In maths we have been learning about addition and subtraction and playing lots of games to help us with our know by hear facts.


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