9 March 2018, Comments: 0

On Monday, we had our world book day because on Thursday 1st March, it was a snow day. To start the book day, we all completed a world book day quiz about book characters. Then, we went into the hall and performed our class poems. Coverdale’s was the Lion and Albert, we all spoke in our best Yorkshire accents. After, Mrs Sherwood came and read us a story while Mrs Crissell read a story to Ribblesdale.

Tuesday, in literacy we began planning our alien profiles for our story about being lost in space. In the afternoon, we went on ttrockstars to improve our times table skills.

This Wednesday, we worked on decimals in maths and carried on with our alien profiles. In the afternoon, we designed our own adinkras for Fairtrade Fortnight.

Thursday, we designed our own story maps for our narrative about an astronaut lost in space. After break we learnt how to round a decimal to the nearest whole.

Today, we have written our sci-fi narrative and in P.E we were learning football skills.

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