30 September 2016, Comments: 0

A twist in the week


The NSPCC came to visit and talked about how to be safe and who to talk to if you had a problem. We can contact Childline, their number is 08001111.

In literacy we started thinking about 2A sentences.


We did lots of exciting maths; we rounded to the nearest 10. We went up to church and had our

start of the year service with Andy who led the service.


On Wednesday we saw a production called Twist in Time in the school hall. It was all about magical clock that made a magic garden at the back. The year 5/6 got to talk

to the actors and about how things happen in the play. We ended the day with a song Conkers; it’s our Class song for the Harvest Festival. The Perfect Pinks were tested on their KIRFS.


On Thursday we started the day off with a paragraph about a stormy sea. We used 2A sentences. During P.E we did indoor athletics.

In art we did some shading and that was fun.


In science we learnt about how animals adapt to their environment. Science We did habitats and food chains and how they work.

Maths 4x table with Mrs Atkinson.

By Matthew Brayson And Charlie Cranksaw

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