24 March 2020, Comments: 0

Staying Safe:

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of our families at the moment. For those staying at home under the PM’s new instructions, we hope you are managing to find both structure and fun in your family time. For those of you who are key workers and are sending your children into school, we will do our best to provide some memorable experiences whilst keeping your precious young people safe and secure. We are all finding a new ‘rhythm’ to life at the moment but together we will get through.


Teams Updates:

For everyone’s pleasure and efficiency in finding key learning information, we have decided to alter the settings on our ‘Teams’ page, so that only Mrs Crisell and Mrs Styles can post. We really don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun (we all love to chat) but otherwise the page is getting filled with chat and key information from us gets lost. We hope you understand. You can still respond to our posts with ‘likes’ or emojis and please email us at coverdale.richardtaylor.ycway.uk


Mrs Styles and her daughter Connie have filmed the next chapter of Stitch Head for your entertainment (a sure-fix for giggles)…follow this link https://youtu.be/Fsb4qZwByRU

Next chapter coming soon…


Here is another link to a clip for a story about social distancing called ‘Time to Come In Bear’ which your family might find useful



Mrs Styles and Mrs Crisell


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