6 November 2020, Comments: 0

We are glad to have everyone back and we also welcome a new child to Dentdale, Clara. This week we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and why we have bonfire night on November 5th. We also learnt about bonfire safety. On Friday we had a KS1 live link up with Firefighter Kevin – some children from Dentdale asked him some great questions. He asked the children to remind grown ups to test their fire alarms!

Thursday was National Outdoor Classroom day. We went out into the wildlife garden to collect, observe and identify leaves.

We have started our new KIRF which is adding by bridging 10. There is a video homework about it on Seesaw with a surprise visitor!

Well done to five girls who completed their five Athletics and Exercise PE challenges and got a certificate this week. The new PE Challenge this half term is throwing and catching with lots of lovely activities to try at home. Use the log in in your child’s spelling book (pechallenge.com).


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