20 September 2019, Comments: 0

Exciting news this week! We have a brand new ‘Star of the Week’ chair for our Star of the Week! Whoever sits on it will be especially proud now!

We have been drawing self-portraits and thinking about who is special to us. We wrote personal targets- something we want to improve for ourselves –rocketing to success!

We have been spotting patterns in Maths and counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. In Literacy we have been using adjectives to write about Dogger.

We have started our mini topic about Bikes to celebrate and to know more about the World Cycling championships. We made an i-spy book for the races and thought about what makes Yorkshire special. We also thought about instructions for how to be a great spectator using ‘bossy’ verbs. We hope everyone will get to see a race to experience what will be a very special event.

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