20 April 2020, Comments: 0

Welcome back! We hope you are all safe and well and had a nice break over the Easter 2 week holiday!


This week our theme is PIRATES!

We have lots of things for you to do on Seesaw:

*Design a pirate flag

*Draw a pirate

*Write a wanted poster for a pirate

*Treasure map directions

*Writing poems … and lots more!

Pirates is the first theme of our new free PE on line learning resource:

Log in to Jasmine (real PE) for hours of fun and activities, starting with a Pirate timetable:

Parent email: parent@richardtay-2.com
Password: richardtay

“Be active, learn and play, me hearties” says Mrs J and Mrs P!

There are activities for Early Years, KS1 and KS2. We hope that the ideas help support you and your family to stay fit and healthy in the coming weeks.

We love seeing all that you are doing and really appreciate all your hard work and your grown ups too! – Just do what you are able to do, when you are able to do it and however you can.

Maths this week

We will be posting a daily maths activity on Seesaw and also a weekly maths game for you to play.

This week’s maths game is Dotty Six! Enjoy! All you need is paper and a pencil! Keep logging on to Topmarks and ICT games too to keep your mental maths skills sharp!


Our key spellings this week are money water wild eye

  • all the words linked to pirates!

Write them in rainbow colours, think about the shapes of the words and use them in your writing this week. Work hard to learn them!

If you can already spell them, collect a list of other pirate words and make your own pirate word bank (write it in alphabetical order too!).

*Check out this musical treat made by Mrs Wake with the help of a few friends at RTS who have been thinking about our wonderful environment – we are sure it will make you smile! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIqOGEzKuOw


Love from Mrs Phelan and Mrs Jackson x

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