23 October 2019, Comments: 0

This year all our eco ambassadors are Edie, Oliver, Frankie, Jovi, Harvey, Natasha, Francis, Kacey, Rosie, Maddie, Teddy, Gracie, Tilly and George. We have had two meeting this half term.

We have done an environmental review and have talked about it. We found that the strengths of our school were learning about other cultures, healthy living and learning outside.

In our class we have been learning outside in our school playground, sketching the flowers in our peace garden which we use for peace and is a lovely environment and we take care of it .

We found that our things to work on this year are litter, water wastage and travel. This term we are thinking mostly about litter. We want to remind every one not to drop litter on the school grounds and pick up litter whether it is yours or not.

By Ollie and Edie .


P.s Batteries can still be recycled by placing them into the bin found in the school library.

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