24 March 2020, Comments: 0

I hope that everyone is managing to find their way through the interesting times that we find ourselves in. At school a skeleton staff are supporting the families of critical care workers. The teachers are continuing to build their e-learning platform and everyone is getting used to a very different way of working.

A reminder to all families of children using the teams platform. Our IT team will shortly be disabling the chat feature; please stick to accessing the assignment tab when logging in, we do not want to have to remove access rights to anyone who needs to get to their activities through what is a really useful e-learning site.

A reminder that the friends prayer group are welcoming everyone to join them through the following link:

If you have any prayer requests, please send them to: Be assured that these will remain confidential and kept anonymous to those in the prayer chain.

Friends of Richard Taylor Prayer Group prayeratrichardtaylor@gmail.com

The pictures above show the yellow jumper winners from last week and children from Dentdale Class who sent messages of support to isolated members of the community last week.

Andrew Symonds

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