Welcome to the last week of what has been one of the most important in the school’s history as we re-opened and remained open for our children. I would like to thank all of the staff for their hard work and for taking on the extra challenges faced superbly. I would also like to thank the parents for their support in following the wide range of changes, which have gone through multiple updates. I would also like to say how proud I am of the children who have come back to school with a wonderfully positive attitude and with smiles that have brightened everyone’s half term.
The last week of this half term is focussed on the celebration of Harvest in school. We have taken the theme of the Harvest Rainbow of Hope and every class has provided a contribution to our special worship time, which will be shared with everyone on Thursday. Without the Harvest Community Tea to enjoy we have focussed our support on the work of the Harrogate Food back; thank you to everyone who has given generously to this important cause.
Our virtual clergy worship will be led by Laura Martin from St John’s and St Luke’s and we will also be celebrating our 2nd set of super pupils before the end of this half term.
As well as the Harvest this week also sees our telephone parents evening, if you have experienced any difficulties in booking an appointment please contact the school office.
Congratulations to Coverdale Class who have won the PE Challenge competition for last week with over half the class competing in the sporting activities. If you have not have an opportunity to join in, half term would be a great time to start.
Please remember that school closes for Half term at the end of the day on Thursday 22nd October; Friday 23rd is a Staff Training Day and we will re-open on Monday 2nd of November. If there are any changes to government guidance or restrictions published over half term we will communicate the impact on RTS with all families before we re-open.
Finally you may have noticed my absence from the school gate over the last 2 weeks, unfortunately I was diagnosed with (non-covid) flu, and I have had to spend time off school recovering. I am pleased to say that I have fully recovered and will be very glad to be back from Monday.
Whatever you are doing I hope that you have a safe and enjoyable half term.
Andrew Symonds