20 March 2020, Comments: 0



Richard Taylor CE Primary School Weekly Booking Form


On Monday 23rd March, school will be open to those families who absolutely need to attend as there is no other means of keeping their children safe at home.

These families must also be classed as key workers who are critical to the COVID-19 response or part of a specifically identified vulnerable group.

Week Commencing________________________________

Please state clearly the critical sector which you belong to:_______________________________________________________

Please tick which sessions/days you will need your child/ren to be in school so that we can ensure we have appropriate provision and care in place each day.

If you could also indicate whether or not you would require a school lunch, along with the before and after school care which Fun Club are able to provide, that would be much appreciated.

We are using this as a guide for provision planning, and as such recognise that it may be subject to last minute changes.

Reception – Year Six









Packed Lunch

Require Fun Club

Before/ After/ Both



Please return this form via email or by hard copy posted to the school letter box before Monday to help us build a picture of the critical need before the start of next week



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