Hi Nidderdalers,
I hope it wasn’t too hot for you last week. I managed to get to the beach with the dogs before the crowds on my day off and they had a lovely time in the sea.
This week has a global theme. We will be meeting some inspirational people and looking at some global goals, art and topics.
We also have our virtual sports day on Tuesday, so I have assigned the activity to appear again then and you should know which team you are in. If you’re at school we will do the activities together, if you’re at home there’s information on the activity about what to do. You don’t need any special equipment. Good luck.
Looking ahead, the following week is Music Week and I will be asking the choir to record something – look out for that. If you play an instrument you might want to start practising something you can share with us too.
Have a good week,
Mrs Wake