22 November 2020, Comments: 0

This Week we have started to read our new class book ‘A Christmas Carol’.

In English, we have learnt about the work of Dr Barnardo. We have also written some fantastic letters to Mr Scrooge, persuading him to donate money to the homeless children.

Our Maths work has continued to practice subtraction using the column method. The children have also been practicing their quick recall of number bonds to 20. They have really enjoyed playing ‘Funky Mummy’ – bonds to 20′. Here is the link if you want to practice some more at home. https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/funkyMummy/index.html .

Well done to all of the children who are using TT Rockstars. On Monday, there will be some new activities on ‘Maths with Parents’.

In RE, we have been learning about ‘Festivals of Light’. This week we learnt about Hanukkah and decorated a Menorah.

In Science, we have been exploring electrical circuits. Everyone discovered how to make an electrical circuit to power a light bulb.

Remember, on Wednesday 25th November it is our special ‘Victorian Day’ in Swaledale.

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