10 January 2020, Comments: 0

By Jack and Owen

Welcome back:

The whole school have really enjoyed the Christmas and the New Year, but we’re still a bit tired from the holidays.

Harry Potter:

Our new topic is all about the wizarding world of Hogwarts. We will be flicking in and out of the book and the film ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’, and linking our Science work to his magic spells!


In Maths we have new KIRFS based on converting fractions, decimals and percentages. We are also learning about this in our Maths lessons.


We have been thinking about and researching J.K. Rowling’s life and writing a fact file about her on the school computers too.


In PE we are going to be doing gymnastics. We had to watch and learn how to do the six shapes to improve our upper body strength and skills.

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