13 October 2017, Comments: 0

In Wensleydale this week:


Sporting influence came to teach us some defending and attacking skills and we all enjoyed it.


In maths we did sequences using decimals. There were 4 chilli challenges and 4 is the highest for people who are really confident. 1 is easier for people who maybe struggle.


In R.E, we learnt about Jonah and the Whale and The Rabbi and his Cow. Mr Price (the inspector) came to see how much we know about Christianity. Some people had lunch with him and showed him around.


In English, we read some more of Wonder and we used a dictionary to find words which are very tricky. We worked together and enjoyed it.


In ICT, we did about online safety. We also looked at different religions, and we chose from Hinduism, Judaism, Muslims, Sikhs and Buddhism to make a poster about the key points.

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