30 March 2020, Comments: 0

Good morning to all my super Wensleydale Wonders!

I hope that this blog finds you all safe and well and that your families are all fine too. I’m sure that you’ve all had a relaxing weekend and done some things that you’ve enjoyed. This would have been our last week together before the Easter holidays, so I hope that you’re all gearing up for your Easter eggs soon!

I didn’t want to overload you last week with too much work; I just wanted you to adapt to our new situation without the worry of school work. It’s been great to see your creativeness this last week on ‘Teams.’ Your photography, sketches, obstacle courses, baking and writing to name but a few were just wonderful! Keep all of that going.

I have uploaded lots of things into the ‘Files’ section of our ‘Teams’ for this week. The folders are all clearly labelled.

The answers for the last two weeks of mental maths and comprehension books are there. Remember that you can make them larger with the plus tab at the top to be able to see them more clearly. Apologies for the shadows on them! I just couldn’t get rid of them whilst taking the photograph of the page!

There is also an English Folder for year 5 and one for year 6. In each of these folders are five activities – one for each day of this week. You can either print them out, or work in your homework book. The answers are in there too at the end, but no cheating until you’ve completed each day!

You’ll also see a maths folder for year 5s and one for year 6s. In here you’ll also find an activity for each day this week. Each day covers one maths topic and should take you about an hour or just a little more. The answers are at the bottom of these too for when you’ve completed the activity.

By completing one english and one maths activity each day, this should be around the two hours of work that I’d recommend.

I you are a year 5 and fancy a challenge, have a go at the year 6 activities. Likewise, if you are a year 6, but the activities seem a little tricky, it’s absolutely fine to complete the year 5 ones.

At any point during the week, please complete the next page in your Mental maths book. This week you should be doing Section 3, Test 2.

Year 5 comprehension this week is ‘The Great fire of London.’ Year 6 comprehension is ‘The Yellow Train.’ I’ll post the answers for these next week once you’ve completed them.

It’s really important that you all keep reading too and enjoying your books and magazines.

Also in ‘Files’ is a folder called ‘Practical Ideas.’ If you’d like something a little more creative to do, you may find something in here that you’d enjoy.

Mr Symonds sent all of your parents a Spring newsletter last week with some super websites on if you still need any more guidance and things to keep you busy.


Remember that this is always a special time of year at RTS, as we build up to Easter during Lent. I always love our special ‘Reflections’ worship where each class drops a stone into the bowl and we think about how we can help others and always be the best person that we can be. I hope that you are continuing with your acts of Kindness that we began in school for the period of Lent and being the best person that you can be.

I really am missing you all and I know that Mrs Warby is too. We’re in touch each day and see each other on the days that we are in school. Keep working hard, remember our school values, keep smiling and keep being the Wensleydale Wonders that you all are!

Lots of love from

Mrs Simpson, Mrs Warburton and the team xxx

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