5 October 2018, Comments: 0

By George and Edward

Welcome back to a Wensleydale blog.

This week in our class we learnt that a robot will be joining Wensleydale, to help someone in our class to work at home.

On Tuesday, had an NSPCC workshop to follow on from a worship we had last week about the work they do.

In Maths we are learning the 4 operations, adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplication. We also got our Mental Maths books after 4 weeks of waiting.

In English, we have now edited our Wall.E piece of writing that we did wonderfully. We are going to do a radio jingle where we will be persuading people to buy something. We watched some more of the film and answered some questions. On Thursday, it was National Poetry Day and we wrote Haiku poems about guess what…. Wall.E. A Haiku has three lines of 5,7,5 syllables. Here’s one…

Sand scatters the beach.

Waves crash on the sandy shore    

Blue water shimmers

Ok bit off point …back to the blog.

Sporting influence have been taking our P.E lessons this Year. We are looking at invasion games.

See you next week!

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