7 March 2019, Comments: 0


In our maths the year 6s have done three maths tests. Two reasoning and one arithmetic. These were practice for our SATs and we found them ok.



We have read a chapter and answered questions on our class book Letters from the Lighthouse. The question sheet was called ‘Careless talk costs lives’.


Reusable Energy visitor

We had a visitor from CNG to talk to us about reusable energy, including wind power and solar energy. We did experiments and had lots of fun.



Year 5

The year 5s had a visit from the diving team from the Hydro swimming pool. They did gymnastics and jumping to see if anybody would enjoy trying out diving at the swimming pool.


Anne Frank visitor

A visitor came to Wensleydale and Wharfedale to talk to us about Anne Frank (she spent half a day with each class). She talked about Anne’s life stuck in an annex and how things were for her from the information researchers have gathered from her diary. We then compared her life to to now and how the world isn’t so different today with all the racism, prejudice, sexism and discrimination.

For example, she asked us to draw and name 4 people; a nurse, a fire fighter, a solider and a surgeon. Most of us made all of the people male apart from the nurse. She showed us a video of both genders doing different types of jobs that often are associated with only one gender. She also showed us pictures of people and asked us to guess what they did for a job based on how they looked. We learnt not to judge people how they look. She talked about different types of relationships.

The next day some children were selected to talk in worship about Anne Frank and to share everything we learnt about the day before with everybody at school.




Craft club

In craft club we have made a multitude of things including: a mosaic picture frame and pen pots made from paper cups and wool. Our most recent project is a woven Easter basket filled with a felt duck gosling, a pom pom chick and an Easter egg. From doing these things we have learnt new skills such as sewing buttons and blanket stitch.

Back next week.

Lily, Kimberly and Megan

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