26 June 2020, Comments: 0

Welcome to another great week at RTS!

Our theme for this week’s learning is ‘Our Global Community.’ This is a vast area, where we could have learnt about so many things, so I’ve narrowed it down to two main areas that I’d like us to focus on and think about.

The first thing that I want to make you aware of are the 17 Sustainable Global Goals. Do you know what any of them are? Which of them do you think are the most important in the world? Who decided upon these goals for the future?



One of these 17 goals is to ‘Reduce Inequality.’ You may have been aware of news in the media recently, where people are feeling strongly that there are still inequalities in some places about how people are treated depending on the colour of their skin. Therefore, I felt that it was important for you to learn a little more about this and give you a chance to express how you feel about this or have any questions.

There are some great ‘extra’ bits to choose from on this week’s plan of the week. Another thing that you may enjoy is a drama on CBBC called ‘Coming to England.‘ It is a story of a Windrush generation girl, who came to Britain in 1960 from the Caribbean. It is adapted from a book with the same title, that you may enjoy reading. Also, discover lots more about Black History Month on CBBC, where there are some super video clips, quizzes and stories.


On Monday, there is a special job for you all…please look and listen to my instructions carefully as I know that you will all do a great job with this!

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday all of your maths work is on ‘My Maths’ and is all based around Algebra. On Thursday there are two activities for you to do that follow on with the algebra theme and then your mental maths page to complete on Friday.


Tuesday 30th June is Sports Day! We all love Sports Day at RTS, so we didn’t want you to miss out this year! Mrs Saunderson and Mrs Warby have worked really hard to create a Virtual one that you can all still be part of and enjoy at home. By now, an adult in your house should have received a text message to let you know which team you are in. There are four teams, Respect, Determination, Trust and Friendship; each one of these is of course one of our special values at RTS. You will belong to one of these teams. Enjoy the events and please ask an adult at home to submit your scores before 5pm on Tuesday. I’ve already posted all of the details onto Seesaw and will post them again this week! Please join in and have a great time! Maybe you could even send a picture of you to Seesaw, so that we can see how you got on!

Have a great week

Keep safe and take care

Lots of love from Mrs Simpson, Mrs Warby & team


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