6 October 2017, Comments: 0

We are looking forward to the MM Productions which was the Wizard of Oz on Wednesday 4th October and Our Harvest festival on the 5th!


In English, we have been reading our class book ‘Wonder’ about a boy called August. We have been describing people with facial disfigurements and talking about how the way you look is not important.


In art, we have been learning about precepts. Precepts are rules to live by. We wrote our own precepts and made a poster with them written on it. We coloured them in and did a few pictures around them. Here are a few examples: Be a rainbow in someone else’s clouds; there’s no right way to be mean and there is no wrong way to be kind.


In maths, we have also been doing diving and multiplying mentally. We chose different sheets which were easier to harder and did 3 times tables. We really enjoyed it.

Some children from Years 3-6 went to the Tolly Richardson Swimming Gala and came 8th out of 16. Everyone who entered had a really good time.

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