5 June 2020, Comments: 0


Welcome to Sports Week my lovely bunch of athletes!


I hope that you and your families are all still safe and well. We had a really successful week last week in opening school to reception, year 1 and key worker groups. However, please don’t ever think that I’ve forgotten about you lovely lot. I’m really missing the special atmosphere in our classroom and seeing you all every day.

I was so impressed with the quality of some of your work last week, especially some of your ‘reasons to read’ and book reviews.

Our theme for this week is Sports. There are so many benefits to taking part in sporting activities…both physical and mental. I’m sure that many of you are really missing your sports clubs that I know you are involved in. I know that many of you enjoy dance, swimming, football, rugby, cricket, martial arts, horse riding…the list is endless. As well as being talented, it’s also so important that you show resilience, sportsmanship and team work during sports. There are some lovely activities this week that link into our school values.

Maths this week is revising multiplying and dividing fractions. Remember our cool song for dividing fractions? ‘KEEP, CHANGE, FLIP’ Watch the song again to remind yourself.



It would be great if you all did the activity in the ‘extras’ part this week that is ‘Designing a new Sports Day’ activity for the school. Mrs Warby and Mrs Saunderson will be judging and choosing a winner. The successful winning event will feature in our Sports Day next Year!

There’s some super work for you to enjoy this week and I can’t wait to see all your efforts.

Have a great week and keep active!

Keep safe and take care

Lots of love from Mrs Simpson, Mrs Warby & team



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