3 May 2020, Comments: 0




Welcome to May my Wensleydale Wonders!

May the fourth be with you! (that’s for all you Star Wars fans!)

I must start by saying how very proud of you all I am for all of the fantastic work that you’ve been handing in to me. You all gave such super responses to the poetry work last week and it was great to see that you’d not forgotten how to how to find the area of triangles and parallelograms. Calculating the angles was done very accurately too. Give yourselves a ‘pat on the back!’

Some of you are sending little videos and photographs, which are so lovely for me to see. Even hearing your voices is a treat when I’m sending you feedback and reading your work. Thank you.

I’ve not been setting reading as a task, but I’m really hoping that you are still enjoying reading a good range of books, comics and magazines. Please let me know what you’ve been enjoying to read and if you’d like to recommend any books to the rest of the class.

On Friday this week, it is a bank holiday and a very special day, VE Day. Therefore, all of your English work this week is themed around VE Day and World War 2. If you don’t know much about this, hopefully you will by the end of the week! This year it’s a very special celebration too, as we mark 75 years since the end of fighting in Europe.

You can also look forward to another Wednesday Worship from Mr Symonds too. So many of you said that you’d enjoyed his worship last week. Most of the extra little activities are all based around the VE Day celebrations too and I’m sure that you will enjoy these. Some of these include ‘How to Draw a Spitfire’ video, a word-search, designing a medal and bunting. I’d love to see what you come up with for all of these as I know how much you enjoy being creative.

This week in maths, we are focussing on revising converting units of measurement. Let’s see how well you remember this work and if your place value knowledge is still ‘tip top!’

You’ll be pleased to know that I haven’t set any work for Friday, as it’s a bank holiday. I’m sure that you’re devastated to hear that!

I’m going to release the English and Maths activities a day at a time this week. I will assign them to you on the day of the week that I have planned them for. I’m doing this because I feel that they follow on well from each other and would be best done in this order.

I’m already looking forward to seeing all the great things that you will achieve this week.

Remember Mr Symond’s worship from last week and see if you can find three things each day that you are thankful for.

Have a great week and stay safe

Love from Mrs Simpson, Mrs Warby & team


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