23 February 2018, Comments: 0



This week has been very exciting as it is our first week back at school.

In Maths, we have been looking at reading scales and the different measurements that could be on them. In addition, the word problems, with scales on, have been a challenge because they get you to think hard about the question.

In English, we have a new topic of the Highwayman and the poem. We have been looking at an internal monologue and pretended to be the soldiers writing one. An internal monologue is a piece of writing that one of the characters would write almost to themselves and all their thoughts.

In PE, we have been looking at staying healthy and moving to stay active. This lesson was quite different though, as Mrs Saunderson got us to do a variety of different reaction tests, i.e. your partner dropping one of two balls and you have to catch it when dropped within one bounce.

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