26 April 2018, Comments: 0




This week, in maths, we have been looking at calculations with missing numbers and using different methods to try to work out what they are. We have also been looking at doing the inverse to check that our calculations are correct.

This week in English, we have been focusing on our SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.) For this topic, we have been learning when to use Me, Myself and I. For example, we had sentences like this:

Joe went to the park with Dave and me. This would be correct because if you remove the ‘Dave and,’ it should still make sense and therefore be correct.

In geography, our class have been learning about capitals and countries of Europe. We also completed a sheet where we labelled the different capitals, mountains and rivers of the countries.

In PE, we have started playing rounders now the grass is dry and have been learning the different positions and rules of the game.


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