7 February 2019, Comments: 0


In the morning, we did English and in English, we did a diary entry and after that, we had break. Then in maths, we did area. We had to find the area of triangles. In P.E we played jump ball where we used our balancing, jumping and throwing skills, but before that we warmed up.


Today instead of Mrs Saunderson teaching us we had Mrs Atkinson. In the morning, we did maths, we found out the properties of circles and in English we finished our diaries. We were keen to include many grammatical features and to make sure that we wrote informally.


In the morning in maths we looked at the area of parallelograms and triangles then after break we marked the mental maths and English comprehension books. In the afternoon, we had PE and we did gymnastics using the apparatus, after that we had our French lesson.


In the morning, our maths lesson was great! We had to find the area of parallelograms it was hard at times but everyone got used to it. In our amazing English lesson, we read our topic book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. Today instead of doing work relating to the book, we got to enjoy it and read two chapters. It is a great book. In the afternoon, we had a great time in the I.C.T suite. It was awesome, because we went on a website for an amazing science lesson.


Today was a snowy day. It was great fun because we finally got to play on the field for once. In English, we did Viking kennings; it was fun because we based it on WWII evacuation and the children being evacuated. In maths, we did our KIRFS and we started the 10 minute challenge some people had already done it in Wensleydale last year.

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