3 April 2020, Comments: 0

Hello all of my lovely Wharfedalers! I am missing you all; your lovely smiles, laughter and happy faces.

Thank you so much for all of the hard work you have done this past fortnight. I have been incredibly impressed with all of the work, photographs and messages that I have received since we closed. Just to let you all know that as a school, we are not setting any work for the next two weeks as this is the Easter holidays. Did I just hear you all cheer?

Over the break, some of the teachers will be looking at changing from Teams to Seesaw as we think it would be a better program to use. It would enable us to upload work for you and for you to let us mark and comment on what you have done. We will let you know in plenty of time what you have to do and give you a chance to work out how to use it. Keep on using Teams for the time being though.

What I will do, however, is post some activities you could do over the two weeks that have come from Sporting Influence. They will be giving you particular challenges and fun games you could play with your family over the next two weeks.

So, stay safe and well. Have a fabulous Easter, enjoy the break (and the chocolate eggs).


From all of the Wharfedale team xxx

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