14 February 2020, Comments: 0

Wharfedale Blog




We are learning about ratio and proportion for example: 4:10 in its simplest form is 2:5 and we are using bar models for questions where you have to find out the numbers Instead of knowing them from the start. Chloe and Lucy got picked to take part in a Maths competition on Friday. Good Luck Girls!



In art we are practising drawing and designing dragon eyes. Now we are getting ready to get some clay and sketch our designs on it and then put a fake dragon eye in it. The whole class are really enjoying looking and studying these eyes.




In English this week we have been learning about show don’t tell which is where we describe something in our writing to give it more description and so when someone reads it they will get an intrigued feeling.



In P.E we are getting ready to do our gymnastics routines in these routines we are putting twists, balances and even jumps in them. We are all having a lot of fun doing this!

By Erin and Chloe

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