9 October 2019, Comments: 0

Wharfedale blog

Welcome to our Wharfedale blog. It has been a very exciting week for our school, sports wise, because of the Tolly Richardson Swimming Gala, which some children from key stage 2 competed it.



In English we are reading the book ‘Wonder’ and writing about people with faces similar to Auggie’s from the story. Auggie is a young boy that has Treacher Collins Syndrome (which is a facial disfigurement) so his face is a bit different to ours. We are also working on ISPACE openers, which are fronted adverbials.



In maths we are working on column addition and subtraction, we have even been adding and subtracting millions! We do KIRFS in maths, these are Key Instant Recall Facts. We have 3 minutes to complete a sheet and if you get full marks 3 times you move to the next sheet, which is a bit trickier.


In science, we have been learning about our blood. On Thursday Mrs Lovell taught us and were experimenting with our heart rate. First, we had to run for 1 minute and then check our pulse for 15 seconds. We would count how many pumps of blood we had during the 15 seconds and then multiply it by 4 to get the beats per minute or BPM.

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