Thank you for sharing your family photos with us. These are now displayed in our classroom, the children are enjoying looking at their photos and talking to others about them.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Harvest Festival on Thursday and showing you all that we have been learning about seeds!
We will be continuing to think about Harvest this week. After reading ‘Puddles Wet and Windy Harvest’, we are excited to make our own visit to church to look for signs of Harvest on Friday. Our story will be ‘The Enormous Turnip’. We will enjoy acting out and retelling the story, making vegetable soup and using vegetables to make printed repeating pattern pictures.
We will be learning all about the letters and sounds s and a this week. You may want to play I spy with these sounds (I spy something beginning with S), listen for them when you talk and help your child practice writing these letters at home.
We will be sending ‘Footsteps certificates’ home next week in book bags. These are for you to record any ‘WOW’ moments and successes at home. The children will be able to share these with us at school on their return. Please feel free to ask if you are unsure what to do with these.
Show and tell this week: Charlie, Noah. W, Natasha
Thank you!