Before we look at everything that is happening this week we need to congratulate all of the children in year 6 and their staff for their hard work during last week’s SAT tests. A lot has been said about this year’s tests but I want to say well done to the children for the way they approached all of the papers this year. One of the photos on this blog shows the children enjoying their bubbles on Friday as they celebrated the end of the tests.
On Monday the friends are holding their first film night of the term after school; the children in EYFS and year one will be enjoying ‘The Good Dinosaur.’
On Tuesday we welcome Roberta Topham from the Methodist Chapel as she leads our whole school worship.
Wednesday sees the children from year 6 setting off on their 3 day visit to Winmarleigh. For the rest of the school there will be a special talk on health eating from the Mellor’s catering team starting at 1pm.
On Thursday Swaledale Class will be visiting St John’s Church to look at the interactive prayer stations which have been on display.
The photos below show last week’s yellow jersey winners and the year six children enjoying their post SATs bubbles.
A Symonds