Thank you all of the friends of the school who turned up for the summer Term meeting last week, it was wonderfully organised by Mrs Singleton and there are plenty of friends events planned for the summer term. The first of these events is on Monday when there will be the 2nd hand uniform sale after school.
Tuesday is a day for planting, not only do we welcome back Ian Johnson who will be planting in the raised beds and Peace garden with children from Dentdale and Ribblesdale but also we will be planting the space seeds delivered to us straight from Tim Peake at the space station. We also welcome Mr Green to lead our worship at 1pm.
On Thursday our year one and two footballers will be accompanied by Miss Hatfield to the tournament at Harrogate High School. At 1pm Matthew Lunn will be leading our worship and after school sees the start of a number of our clubs including Chess Club.
On Friday our FA coach Dan Batty will be in school working with a number of classes. Friday is also our non-uniform day for the chocolate tombola stall at Bilton Gala. Instead of money we are asking parents to send a donation of chocolate in with their children.
Congratulations to table 2 for KS1 and table 7 for KS2 who won the tea and cakes award for good manners at lunchtime last week.
The photo below shows the yellow jersey winners from the first week of term.
A Symonds