6 July 2018, Comments: 0


On Monday, we did our spelling and times table test. Then we did an end of year maths test. In the afternoon, we went to Bilton fields with Mrs Christy to explore the wildlife; we saw so many interesting bugs, plants and animals.


Today, we read the year 5 reading tests. After break, we did maths. In the afternoon, we watched the wonderful year six play that they have been practicing and tomorrow; they will show their parents it after school.


In the morning, we finished off our end of year reviews, which will go in our reports. After break, the year fives went and did their maths test while the year fours did some exciting fractions work with Mrs Crissell. In the afternoon, we did tennis skills.


In the morning, we did preparation for a SPAG test. After break, we looked after the current Bishopdale children while the new starters came for their tester day. Looking after the Bishopdale children, we made posters to say thank you to the teachers for teaching them this year. After that, worship, and it was a sharing worship so we showed Viking art. After worship we did PE in PE we did football matches and skills.


Today, we practiced for the SPAG test. Then, we did the test. After break, we learnt about percentage in maths and we did many little quizzes on it. Then we had lunch and then played outside for the rest of the hour. After that, we had worship and then we did some art where we did some weaving and some Viking art in sketch form.

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