7 October 2016, Comments: 0

Another fun week in Coverdale


We started the day with literacy and we talked a bit about Kensuke’s Kingdom. Mrs Crisell got really scared as Stella Artois the dog fell out of the boat along with Michael.

It went fine because they got washed up on an island that was shaped like an elongated peanut.


We did lots maths like adding four digit numbers, using bar models and column addition. We practised our conkers song for harvest.


We learnt about similes and metaphors for the beach on Kensuke’s Island. We did P.E and we did netball with Mrs Harrison.


We had are harvest festival (We’re bonkers about conkers) and we listened to other peoples songs. If you want to hear our song,

go on google and type in The conker song.


Today we had individual photos taken and some children had photos with their siblings. We have practiced our 8 times tables today. We did a quick dance

during our French lesson with the instructions in both English and French. Today was the community tea which seemed to be very busy. Have a brilliant weekend.


By Matthew and Charlie

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