In P.E. we have done tennis. We practiced our ball skills and bouncing the ball on our racquet. We have also been doing rounders and bench ball. In rounders we learnt how to play a full game and we also have played a few matches.
Trinity Day
On Thursday we had a Trinity Day with St. Peters School. Year 3, 4, 5, 6’s did joint activities linked with Trinity. The activities were clay modelling, making fidget spinners, singing, stick weaving and dancing. We were all put into different groups and all had two activities to do. It was a good chance to meet new people from another school and make new friends.
In Art we have been creating Saxons from cones that captain rummage has given to us in return for old bits and bobs that we have found. We have also been drawing posters for the St. John’s summer fair.
In maths we have been learning about shapes, angles and symmetry. We have also been doing our kirfs.
In French we are thinking about animals, conversations and numbers. We have already done numbers and animals but we need a bit more practise on them.
In science we are learning about gases, liquids and solids.
By Amy Barraclough and Izzy Swannie