Monday 23rd March 2020.
To All Parents of Children Attending School on Monday.
Firstly, thank-you for the part you are playing in responding to the COVID-19 crisis; we know that many of your children will feel extremely vulnerable and anxious during this time. As a school, we will be there to provide the support and care that they need.
Practical Information
I hope that you will find the following information useful and give you a picture of how we will operate moving forward.
Breakfast & After School Club
Fun Club are operating this week for those children who have to be in school and will review the situation on a weekly basis. The same routines will be in operation on Monday morning with entrance past the main entrance for children only. If you need to access Fun Club and are not yet registered please see their website:
What I need to Bring
We are asking that all children wear their school uniform. Staff will all be wearing their school sweatshirts and hoodies. As well as providing a little normality we do not want parents, with more pressing concerns, to have to think about what the children should wear.
We are going to include opportunities for PE and sport in our day and so the children should bring a PE kit with them.
Please do not send children with toys or games with them.
Arrival and Registration
All children will be dropped off at the main entrance and not individual classrooms. We ask that parents handover children at the entrance and do not enter the main school building. Handover will only be a time for urgent communications to maintain social distancing and get everyone into school safely and quickly.
Structure of the Day
Our aim is to provide support and care for the children at a time when they will be feeling anxious and worried. We will not be delivering the national curriculum but will be making sure the children spend the day completing a wide range of activities.
Example of Daily Structure:
9.10 Register and come together for shared activity.
9.30 KS1 or KS2 access to virtual learning platform. Other group to complete practical activities.
10.30-10.50 Break
11-12 KS1 or KS2 access to virtual learning platform. Other group to complete practical activities.
12-1pm Lunchtime
1pm-1.30 Register
1.30-2.30 Sports/Music/Games/Crafts/Art/Gardening
2.30-3 Story Time
3.15 Collect from Main Entrance
Access to the Virtual Learning Platform
We will make sure that the children get the opportunity to access the Virtual Learning Platform which, the rest of the school will be accessing in their home setting.
Where possible we will post pictures of the activities which the children complete on our school website.
Jo will continue to provide school lunches for those children who require a hot lunch. Children bringing a packed lunch will do so in the normal way.
We will contact anyone whose child is showing signs of illness in the same way. They will be removed from the rest of the children until collected. We would expect any family to follow the government’s messages regarding self-isolation for the required period of time.
Collection at End of the Day
Collection at the end of the day will be from the main entrance with KS1 and siblings being handed over first. Please leave the school site as soon as you have collected your child.
Contacting the School
If you need to speak to a member of staff for a longer period of time, please use the e mail address and someone will contact you.
Arrangements for Future Weeks
We will send out a booking form each Thursday to be completed for the following week. We understand that booking forms me be subject to last minute changes. The aim of the form is to allow staff to plan for the numbers expected each week.
Collaboration and Hub Schools
There may be a time when RTS or school partners are unable to operate due to staffing shortages.
If this is the case parents will be notified as to where critical childcare will be located at the earliest possible opportunity.
We are at the start of a long journey, I will continue to provide regular updates to make sure everyone is informed. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Safe safe,
Andrew Symonds