12 February 2021, Comments: 0


Good Morning,

As we reach the last day of half term I would like to thank everyone, children, parents, staff and governors for their incredible efforts during this half term. Your support has been greatly appreciated in whatever form it has taken and I hope that you are able to switch off from home school remote learning over the half term period and take a break . We will be back on Monday 22nd February and will provide regular updates to all parents on the guidance which the government will be providing on the planned roadmap for the re-opening of schools in March. Our thoughts and prayers as a community go out to those families who continue to fight the effects of the virus and to all of those who are self-isolating into half term.

I look forward to the day when we can welcome every child back to the school building and hope that the remainder of the school year will bring happier and safer times for everyone.

Yours sincerely.

Andrew Symonds

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