Welcome to the first full week of the latest national lockdown. We have a very busy week ahead whether you are a family learning at home or one of our critical worker/vulnerable child families still sending your child to school.
We will be sending out our first newsletter of the Spring Term early this week which will cover a wide range of important subjects including I.T support for remote learning, live catch ups during the week and the pressure of increased demand for places in school during the current lockdown. As a school we greatly appreciate the patience been shown by our parents as we managed a different set of challenges.
If you have any queries or questions about the work you are receiving please send us your messages via class and admin e mail addresses. We will do everything that we can to answer your questions and provide you with the support that you need.
Hopefully from Monday our worship times will be available both via the seesaw platform and the school secure You Tube page allowing everyone to assess them on one of the different platforms.
From Monday well will continue to post video updates on the seesaw platform and will provide updates during the week regarding live team links as soon as they become available.
The amount of work flowing through Seesaw in the first three days of lockdown was stunning with over 2,964 pieces of work submitted and 5,404 staff comments and likes. Thank you to everyone for supporting the work of the staffing teams who are working incredibly hard to maintain a flow of quality work on the school’s remote platform.
The weather last Friday was a new challenge for the school with significant amounts of snow. I hope that you were able to enjoy the snow with your children. The photo’s below show some of the children in school building their own snowmen on the school field.
As a school our first priority remains the safety and wellbeing of every child in our school community; we recognise the huge pressures which home learning places on families. Please remember the importance of supporting your own wellbeing.
Together we will continue to support our children through this latest period of challenge.
Andrew Symonds