Welcome to British Science Week 2023 at Richard Taylor. All week the children in every class will be researching the importance of an animal, chosen by their class teacher. On Thursday they will present their findings to the rest of the school and a winner will chosen from the class that demonstrates why their animal is the most important for the planet. I cannot wait to find out who wins.
Thank you to everyone for their understanding at the end of last week when the timetable was disrupted by a blast of wintery weather, we hope that we have seen the last of it for 2023.
As always there is a lot happening this week. The school’s ducklings have now all hatched safely and are becoming firm favourites with all the children. We will be posting photos on the school website and via Instagram.
On Monday Coverdale Class will be participating in a live forces lesson. On Tuesday we welcome the team from the Methodist Chapel to lead our worship whilst on Wednesday we welcome a very special visitor to school. We will be welcoming Lauren Dougherty; Loren is an inspirational speaker who delivers road safety messages to children across the county.
Thursday sees Polli Appleyard from Resurrection Bites visiting to school to speak to some of the children about the way in which this important charity helps people in Harrogate. Thursday will also be the day of our ‘Most Important Animal’ Competition.
On Friday Mr Groves is visiting school to plan our gardening projects for the spring and summer. All our clubs will be running as usual through the week.
Friday is also national Comic Relief Day; we are very aware that everyone has given so generously to the earthquake appeal that we are only asking for voluntary contributions if people felt they would like to donate to this important charity. To mark the day children can wear a piece of red clothing to school and we will be holding our special talent show on Friday afternoon with chosen performers representing every class in the school.
Andrew Symonds