I would like to start the week by thanking everyone for their support in following the systems in place for getting everyone in and out of school during the first week of full re-opening. It has been fantastic to have all of our children back in school. The energy and excitement which they have brought back to the classrooms and playgrounds is fantastic; we want to keep all of our children in school and avoid any further COVID-19 closures; continuing to stick to the systems established will really help us to achieve this goal.
This week we will be introducing families to the Reading Bug Club which will provide children with a library of reading books which they can access for free at home. Class teachers will be writing to their classes to explain how they can start using this resource.
Thank you to everyone who have responded to the remote learning questionnaire. We will be using the information that you give us to review and develop the way in which we will use remote learning in the future.
On Wednesday this week the children in Coverdale will be participating in a virtual Royal Institute Science Masterclass whilst on Friday they will be the 2nd class after Swaledale to meet Farmer Oliver, our link farmer for the year, who regularly talks to classes about the challenges which farmers face.
Finally, on Friday we will be marking Comic Relief 2021 by holding a non-uniform day. Children will be encouraged to wear red and make a £1 donation to the work of Comic Relief. We have asked parents not to send their children in with the traditional red noses which they would normally be taking on and off throughout the day. During the afternoon we will be holding a virtual talent show where each class will record and share their performances with the whole school.
Next week is the last week of the Spring Term and we will be celebrating the festival of Easter as a school.
Mr Symonds