Welcome back to the start of what will be a busy and exciting summer term. I hope that everybody enjoyed their Easter and that you are ready to enjoy the final term of the year.
This blog post will contain some of the key dates for your diary. A full list will be published in the first newsletter of the term after they have been confirmed with staff.
The holiday period did contain an unwelcome surprise at RTS when a pipe burst caused flooding in KS1, fortunately our fantastic staffing team answered the call and thanks to their hard work we will be ready to open on Tuesday. Special mention must go to Mrs Bonson who co-ordinated the emergency response brilliantly.
Please remember that Monday 17th April is a staff training day in North Yorkshire, school will re-open for the new term on Tuesday 18th April. This week the school’s veg box gardening club for children in Yr5/6 will meet for the first time on Wednesday afternoon when Mr Groves will be coming into school to meet the team and create the planting plan for our Yorkshire Show entry. On Friday there is another of the Friends Bags to School drop off days for anyone who has had a clear out over the holiday. Please drop your bags off in the marked carpark bay. If you have yet to return your Bunny Bounce Sponsor Money, please get it to the school office asap so that we can announce the final total.
On Sunday the lucky winners of our science competition will be visiting the Lime Tree Observatory.
Key dates for the term include:
Bank Holidays on Monday 1st and Monday 8th May
Thursday 4th May 1.30pm Special Coronation Service at St John’s Church 1.30pm (details to confirm)
Tuesday 9th May SATS week begins.
Monday 29th May Half Term Week
Tuesday 20th June 1.15pm Sports Day
Friday 21st July 10.30pm Leavers’ Service
The photos below show the choir performing at the Rotary Concert on the first Saturday of the school holidays.
Andrew Symonds